Saturday, September 09, 2006

Got a solar plexus punch today

Everything on this blog up until now is bullshit. You should not be reading this post because my shit is boring. I'm upset and drunk and tired. It's a wonderful combination and I feel like sharing it with you. Yes, you.

Corporate America, the free market, greed, whatever, won again today in my little corner of life. I guess I needed the kick in the ass. It's entirely possible that I'll be waitressing again soon.

A really good person got fucked over today, and I am so pissed about it that I can't sit still and I can't be quiet. I've worked with these people for three years, and it's like our father died. Our boss got canned today. None of us have ever worked for someone like him, and we never will again. They made me into a boss, and a tool. If I can't bend the rules a little to help anyone, then my heart and soul are no longer in it. I can't make my living off of that much misery without those little oases of feeling like I made a difference.

My job is going to make one hell of a book someday. Today wasn't the worst day of my life, but it's in the top twenty.


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