Monday, February 27, 2006

Inner Wallpaper

Just decorating a little, make the place a bit homier. Now how do I post a picture by my info on the main page? I love puzzles.
Oops, it's already up there, what's next?Posted by Picasa

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Continuing reintegration with the real world

I've been spending a lot of time hiding from the real world in cyberspace. Like drugs and alcohol, obsessive reading is an escape from the discomfort of interaction with real people and sticky, messy situations. Writing here is new, proactive (I'm very reactive, more on that later.)
I'm done running, hiding. Who I really am, my perception of that is changing. I've been watching other bloggers learn neat shit about themselves.
I'm about to get icky and on a soapbox or something, so I'll just say evolution is neat (but messy.)
Now I'm going to a birthday party in real life.

Friday, February 24, 2006

second post

Okay, teaching myself from zero how to post on a blog, because I'm not scared of a computer. If I could only remember my numerous usernames and passwords.

First post

I really didn't mean to start a blog. I just wanted to be able to post to other people's blogs and ended up with a blog. That's what you get when you have a strong bloody mary after a hard Friday at the pawn shop. I think I talk too much, and my husband thinks I don't talk enough. So I'll do as intended, wish Darkneuro a happy birthday, then talk to husband. I'll be back, because I'm tempted to finally beat down this fucking dam between my gut and the world outside my brainpan.