Saturday, March 18, 2006

Art Camp

Have you ever lost touch with a friend with whom you used to be thick as thieves? I have.

I've always been a bit of a lone wolf, dabbling in this group or that. This one friendship lasted from seventh grade until a couple of years ago (25 years?)

I had to make the changes that always needed to be made. I think she did, too.

We're getting to know each other again. I'm very excited. Tonight is "Art Camp" night--sushi, sake, jewelry, photography, and I finally start work on a children's book. I love children's books. I'm going to have to scan in some illustrations of my favorites. An AMAZING artist asked me to collaborate on a book with her. I've realized I can't wait for inspiration to strike me, I must hunt it down and threaten to tickle it to death.

To anyone reading this, please have a great night! If you're feeling down, I hope things get better and you find a reason to smile. There is never only one choice! I'm going to go get out of my head and into my body. Works every time.

Art is what you decide it is, no other definition matters.
Go make art! Anyone can do it!

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